Saturday, October 11, 2008

Linking Rules

First of all, many thanks to all of you who have linked to me. It was a bit of a struggle to go through all messages and try to reply to all of you. Unfortunately, in some cases, I had to ask you to reconfirm your links or reject your blog since it did not confirm with the basic rules outlined in my welcome page.

To avoid delays and disappointment, please make sure that you:
  1. Have read the rules;
  2. Informed me about your link by email;
  3. Provided me with a brief description of your blog, including the location of your link.
That´s all. Simple.

85. Media6

Dedicated to the Anime stuff. Well presented.

86. Pictures

Pictures of places, animals, nature, underwater, travel, and much more. Rather amazing.

87. My handycam

The author says: "my blog is with some pictures caught on my cam".

88. Dancoo

That´s what the author says: "Anecdotes about my life & making money online"