The idea is simple. You Link to me and I provide a Back Link to you. I will add Back Links on a regular basis after reviewing them. Email your links to with a short description of your blog.
All links will be accepted except for adult, gambling, illicit and money making schemes.
Assuming there is sufficient interest, this blog will help to promote your blog by referring search engines and unique visitors to you. I will keep this blog clean and simple. Your comments will help to improve it.
5 reasons to submit your link:
I don´t do it as a job and I am not a professional blogger. Here are my three main reasons for doing it:
All links will be accepted except for adult, gambling, illicit and money making schemes.
Assuming there is sufficient interest, this blog will help to promote your blog by referring search engines and unique visitors to you. I will keep this blog clean and simple. Your comments will help to improve it.
5 reasons to submit your link:
- It´s free. You don´t pay a penny/cent/(insert as applicable).
- All you need to do is provide a link back to
- Linking and Back Linking could improve your ranking with search engines.
- It will help you to attract new visitors.
- You will help others to promote their blogs and sites.
- Link to
- Inform me about it by email:
- I will link back to your site.
- I will write a short review of your site here.
- Anyone who writes a blog.
- Anyone who would like to attract more visitors.
- Anyone who has great ideas and would like to share them with others.
I don´t do it as a job and I am not a professional blogger. Here are my three main reasons for doing it:
- For me this is first of all an experiment.
- I enjoy testing new ideas.
- If successful, this will be a lot of fun to see develop!
- I hope that it will benefit many blog writers, including you!
- Must have a PageRank of at least of 1 (as of Nov. 1, 2008).